Friday, 23 December 2022

Optimize Your Facebook Pages

Optimize Your Facebook Pages;

As you probably already know, you need a Facebook Page to perform successful Facebook marketing. It is very easy to setup a new Facebook Page and there are many out there that are not well optimized for free traffic.

Have a Great Profile Cover Photo

All businesses that have Facebook Pages should use their cover photo as a way to getting users into their sales funnel. This is very valuable real estate that you must use wisely. It’s the first thing that a new visitor will see on your Facebook Page.

 You need to use a photo that is really eye catching here. If you need help with this then there are some good sellers on that can help. Add text to your cover photo that your audience will resonate with. In the text tell them what you can do for them – the results that you can help them to achieve.

 Add the link to your sales funnel on the cover photo as well. Do not waste the opportunity you have here. Sure it is nice to have a picture of you and your partner on the beach but that will not drive more free traffic

Add a strong Call to Action in your Intro

Your Facebook Page intro is another area that really stands out so make good use of this. Add a benefit here and then your website URL so that they can find out more.

 As an example your intro could say: “How To Make $10k A Month From Facebook And Your Website – Learn More At” You do not want your visitors to spend too much time on your Facebook Page.

Your goal is to drive them to your website so that they can really get involved. So use your intro to the best effect.

Add Links to your Website

There are many Facebook Pages out there that do not have a link to their website. This is just unbelievable but it happens a lot. People tend to be really lazy when it comes to completing their Facebook Page profile.

 You do not want to do this. There is an About tab on your Facebook Page for a reason. It is your opportunity to tell people who you are and what you stand for. It is also a chance for you to add a link back to your website. 

A lot of people that visit your Facebook Page are going to check out the About tab. They will also be interested to have a look at your website so put in the effort here. There are other places in your Facebook Page that you can add a link to your website as well such as the Personal Information and Biography sections.

 Use all of these opportunities to showcase different parts of your website. For example, you may have a post on your website that provides a lot of value and gets a lot of traffic.

 You can add a link to this post directly from your Facebook Page. Maybe you have a special offer right now and you want to link to this? Just make sure that you use all of the available links available to you.

The About Tab

To add a link to your website in the different sections you will need to use the full URL. You need the “https” component (you are using SSL on your website aren’t you?) and the full domain name and page name. So for example:

Just click on save when you are done with your edits. Don’t just add links to your About tab. Provide valuable information about yourself, your business and how you can help people. Make this compelling and don’t just write anything. Use your copywriting skills to persuade people to follow you. 

The Page Milestone Technique

Did you know that you can add links to your website using page milestones? If you are not sure what a page milestone is, it is basically a significant event in the growth of your business. 

You can, and should, feature these milestones on your Facebook Page. It’s simple to add a page milestone. Under your cover image you will see a button with three dots. Click on this and a menu appears in a drop down box. At the end you will see “Create Milestone” so click on this. Facebook calls this a story.

 You need to add a good title, description and the date of the milestone. Always add a relevant image to your milestone as well. You can add a link to an external website here too using the full URL as you did in the About tab. You need to come up with some good milestones and not just write anything.

 Your milestones are your story and they provide a good way for you to connect with your audience. Add milestones that will trigger emotions. People love “zero to hero” stories so make good use of this. 

We will cover your back story in the next chapter. When you add your milestones you want to leave people wanting more so you can use a cliffhanger technique to persuade them to click the link that you have added to each milestone. For example, you could tell them how you made your first full dollars online and then tell your visitors that they can see more details by clicking the link.

Click here to watch video for Optimize Your Facebook Pages

Plan your Facebook Page Profile

You can always edit your About tab and your milestones on your Facebook Page. We recommend that you plan everything out and ensure that you have more information available on your website.

At the end of the day, getting Facebook users to your website is what it is all about. So we encourage you to think carefully about the information you add to your Facebook Page. If you don’t complete the sections or just enter a few words as the bare minimum then you are missing a golden opportunity for free traffic.

 In the next chapter we will discuss the importance of your personal story…

About Author

Social Marketing Examiner
Social Marketing Examiner

Author & Editor

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